टीचर: बच्चो कोई ऐसा वाक्य बनाओ जिसमें “कमीना” शब्द आए।गोलू: सर, सूरज पूर्व से निकलता है और कमीना बहुत तेज़ी से ढलता है! 🤣 ********************************************** पप्पू: डॉक्टर साहब, मुझे नींद नहीं आती!डॉक्टर: यह लो गोली और सो जाओ।पप्पू: गोली खाते ही नींद आ जाएगी?डॉक्टर: नहीं, गोली भारी है, खाओगे तो बेहोश हो जाओगे! 😆 ********************************************** पत्नी: तुम मुझसे कितना प्यार …
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In today’s fast-paced world, where time is of the essence, smart kitchen appliances and modular kitc…
SBI Group Set to Launch USDC Stablecoin in Japan on March 26, Confirms Circle
Japanese financial giant SBI Group is set to introduce USD Coin (USDC) in Japan on March 26, marking…
SEC Launches Crypto 2.0 Task Force to Strengthen Trade Oversight
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has announced the formation of the Crypto 2.0 Task…
SEC Chair Opposed Lawsuit Against Elon Musk: Reuters
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chair, Gary Gensler, reportedly voted against taki…
Web3 Firm Backseat Acquires Japanese Crypto Exchange Coinbook
Web3 technology firm Backseat has officially acquired Coinbook, a Japan-based cryptocurrency exchang…
Kraken Seeks $1B Debt Raise as IPO Plans Take Shape: Report
Cryptocurrency exchange Kraken is reportedly looking to raise up to $1 billion in debt financing as …
Massachusetts Regulator Investigates Robinhood’s Prediction Markets Offering
Massachusetts securities regulators have launched an investigation into Robinhood over its newly int…
Arizona Moves Forward with Crypto Reserve Bill for Full House Vote
Arizona lawmakers have advanced a bill that would establish crypto reserves for certain state financ…
Trump Media and Crypto.com Explore ETF Partnership in New Agreement
Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG) has signed a non-binding agreement with Crypto.com to expl…
Binance Wallet Employee Suspended Amid Insider Trading Probe
Binance has suspended an employee from its wallet team following an internal investigation into alle…
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