New Delhi, Nov. 18th (India Science Wire): Prof. Ajay K Sood, Principal Scientific Adviser (PSA), Government of India, formally launched the Bengaluru Science & Technology Cluster (BeST) at the plenary session of the Bengaluru Tech Summit, 2022. Prof. Sood delivered the plenary talk on “Convergence of technological revolution – for advancing India’s growth trajectory” before the launch event. BeST is …
Read More »South Korea’s GOPAX Exchange Faces Uncertainty as Takeover Bid Hits Roadblock
South Korea’s GOPAX cryptocurrency exchange is in turmoil as its potential takeover bid stalls, rais…
Scammers Steal $500K in X Account Hacks and Meme Coin Scams, Reports ZachXBT
A new report from blockchain investigator ZachXBT reveals that scammers have managed to steal over $…
Sui (SUI) Price Set to Surge: Break Above $5.0 Looms as On-Chain Activity Soars
Sui (SUI), one of the fastest-growing cryptocurrencies, is showing strong bullish momentum as it app…
MoonPay Set to Acquire Helio Pay for $150M in Bold Crypto Payment Expansion
In a significant move to strengthen its position in the cryptocurrency payments space, MoonPay has a…
Montenegro’s Constitutional Court Denies Do Kwon’s Appeal Against Extradition Ruling
In a decisive move, Montenegro’s Constitutional Court has rejected an appeal by Do Kwon, the f…
“Argentina Freezes $3.5M in USDT Tied to Rainbowex Ponzi Scheme”
In a major move against cryptocurrency fraud, Argentina’s financial authorities have frozen $3.5 mil…
WhiteRock Launches DeFi Platform to Tokenize NYSE, Nasdaq, and LSE Securities
In a groundbreaking move that bridges traditional finance and decentralized finance (DeFi), WhiteRoc…
“Debunked: 11 Biggest Enterprise Blockchain Myths of the Decade – Forrester Report”
Blockchain technology has been one of the most transformative innovations of the past decade, captur…
El Salvador’s Bukele Eyes 2025 Russia Visit: Could Bitcoin Be on the Agenda with Putin?
El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele, the world’s first leader to make Bitcoin legal tender, may be …
South Korea’s Crypto Boom: 15M Investors Push Trading Volumes to Rival Stock Market
South Korea is cementing its position as a global cryptocurrency hotspot, with the number of crypto …
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