Near-Expiry Sale Campaign: Leafoberryy Offers Premium Skincare at Discounted Rates

When it comes to skincare, most people believe that once a product nears its expiry date, it’s time to toss it. But Gazal Babel Kothari, founder of Leafoberryy, is here to challenge that notion. According to her, near-expiry skincare products might actually be more potent than you think! Some active ingredients, like Vitamin C and plant-based extracts, can perform at their peak effectiveness right before their shelf life ends. So, instead of discarding these products, it’s time to rethink their potential.

Gazal, who has spent years researching skincare science, explains that expiration dates are more about regulatory compliance than a hard stop on efficacy. If stored correctly and used hygienically, many products remain effective even as they near expiration. At Leafoberryy, their natural, preservative-free formulations undergo rigorous testing, proving that many serums and creams become even more effective over time. To combat unnecessary waste and promote sustainability, Leafoberryy has introduced a “Near-Expiry Sale Campaign”—offering premium skincare at discounted rates while reducing environmental impact.

So, the next time you’re about to toss a near-expiry product, think twice. It might just be your skin’s new best friend!